Week 10

During my last week, I essentially spent all my time wrapping up all the autograders I worked on this summer. I was able to finish the autograder for the temperature visualization assignment that I started last week, which included taking some more time to learn more about different pytest functionalities as I worked to mock a lot of functions (open csv file, input, student functions, etc). In addition using faculty feedback, I improved upon four more autograders from earlier in the summer, being able to finalize all of them and push them to main. I also wrapped up working on the first few sections of my research manuscript (introduction, motivation, related work, and methods). Because the Coursera course will not be launched for a while, we were unable to actually collect data and work to answer the research questions we came up with, but the manuscript I wrote will be used in the future to help decide what data to collect from the course and what questions should be included in any surveys sent out to students as part of the course. Overall, my experience this summer was full of learning about the field of computer science education, the research process, autograders, open-ended assignments, and more!

Written on July 26, 2024